Oh no! I'm adding more taglines again!ABOUT ME
If you're reading this then you want to know about me. The question is why?
Why do you want to know about another human that's probably of no real interest to you
In case you do want to know about me, here's a couple of facts:
- I am as tall as the average me
- I somehow have a degree in computer science from Keele University
- I am an ordained minister of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
- I was once told that I "activley draw sophistication from the room"
- I am very proud of the above statement
- What's your name?rhodso
- Where do you come from?Nowhere you'd know
- What's your phone number?01 189 998 819 991 197 25...3
- What's your credit card number?7?
- If you friends all jumped off a cliff would you?Nice try mum, I don't have any friends
- If there's a hell do you think you're going there?Probably
- Would you rather have an arm hacked off or a leg?I'd say leg. I could drive with a prosthetic and still play VR and stuff, but there's not much I could do with one arm. Would have to be left leg though
- What would you name a boat if you had one?I'd just sell it and buy something useful
- What's your favorite bird?Nice try! Birds aren't real
- What do you think will "Break the internet?"Literally nothing. It's designed to withstand a direct nuclear attack
- What would your DJ name be?DJ DeeJay just to confuse drunk people in the crowd
- Would you rather be able to talk to animals on land, or animals that live under water?On land obviously, it's hard to talk clearly underwater
- Would you rather drink nothing but water or only eat raw food?I'll take the just water. r/HydroHomies for life
- Would you rather move somewhere new every week or never leave your hometown?Never leave my hometown. I can work remoteley so that's not an issue, and I can live in VR for a week per year for a holiday
- Would you rather only be able to use a fork or a spoon?The teaspoon is the superior form of cutlery
- Would you rather be a praticing doctor or a medical researcher?Researcher. Means I don't have to deal with humans that I'd just end up punching
- Would you rather-Enough with the would you rather questions. They suck